Professional Qualifications (ACCA/ACA)

Professional Qualifications (ACCA/ACA)

K. Treppides & Co Ltd offers to candidates the opportunity to qualify as Chartered Accountants (ICAEW) or as Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA) by undertaking a 3-year training program respectively under a 5-year employment contract.

More detailed information about the training programmes can be found at:

Chartered Accountants (ICAEW) [ link to
Certified Accountants (ACCA) [ link to]

ACCA Training Scheme

Training Contract:

To qualify as a Certified Chartered Accountant of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) the selected candidate must undertake a 3-year training program and practical experience, under a 5-year employment contract with K. Treppides & Co Ltd.

Over the period of the 3-year training program, K. Treppides & Co Ltd covers all expenses for the Trainees’ first attempt in each examination:

• Tuition fees and study material
• Examination fees
• 6 days paid study leave for trainees who attend Evening Courses and 9    days paid study leave for trainees who attend Block Release Courses.

Other benefits provided by K. Treppides & Co Ltd:

• In house training courses
• Attractive remuneration package
• Provident fund
• Medical Scheme
• Friday afternoon off


Applied Knowledge

The Applied Knowledge exams provides students with a broad introduction to the world of finance and develop your essential understanding and techniques in accounting.  These exams are:

  • Business and Technology (BT)
  • Management Accounting (MA)
  • Financial Accounting (FA)

Applied Skills

The Applied Skills exams build on existing knowledge and understanding and develop strong, broad and practical finance skills required of future strategic professional accountant in any sector or industry. These exams are:

  • Corporate and Business Law (LW)
  • Performance Management (PM)
  • Taxation (TX)
  • Financial Reporting (FR)
  • Audit and Assurance (AA)
  • Financial Management (FM)

Strategic Professional

The Strategic Professional exams prepare students for future leadership positions. They develop the strategic vision using your unique blend of technical, ethical and professional skills. And you can specialise in areas that best suit your career ambitions. Students must complete both Essentials exams and choose two of the Options.  These exams are:


  • Strategic Business Leader (SBL)
  • Strategic Business Reporting (SBR)


  • Advanced Financial Management (AFM)
  • Advanced Performance Management (APM)
  • Advanced Taxation (ATX)
  • Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA)

A maximum of 9 exemptions from the Applied Knowledge and Skills level can be granted to Trainees according to their bachelor’s degree.

Essentials for ACCA Membership:
In order to become an ACCA Member the following key elements must be completed:

1. 13 examinations

2. Practical Experience Requirement (PER) which consists of 4 elements:

a. Completion of 3 years work experience in an audit, accounting or finance related position.

b. Achieving 9 performance objectives from ACCA (5 essential and any 4 out of 17 technical objectives).

c. Recording the practical experience through the Trainee Development Matrix (TDM). K. Treppides & Co Ltd is an ACCA Platinum Approved Employer and ACCA trainees are exempted from completing the TDM.

d. Making a PER return each year.

3. Ethics and Professional Skills Module

Students are required to complete the Ethics and Professional Skills module which develops in students the complete range of skills that employers said they need. By introducing students to the full spectrum of advanced ethical and professional skills and exposing them to realistic business situations, students are ready to shine with recruiters and be credible in the workplace.

Entry requirements and applications
In order to apply for the professional training schemes offered by K. Treppides & Co Ltd, candidates must meet the following requirements:
1. UK University graduates with at least an upper second-class honours degree (2:1)
2. University of Cyprus and Greek Universities graduates with at least 7.5 GPA
3. Other University with at least 3.5 GPA or equivalent grade

ACA Training Scheme

Training Contract:
To qualify as a Chartered Accountant (ACA) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW) the selected candidate must undertake a 4-year training program, under a 5-year employment contract with K. Treppides & Co Ltd.

Over the period of the 4-year training contract, K. Treppides & Co Ltd covers all expenses for the Trainees' first attempt in each examination:

• Tuition fees and study material

• Examination fees 

• Paid study leave

Other benefits provided by K. Treppides &Co Ltd:

• In house training courses
• Attractive remuneration package
• Provident Fund
• Medical Scheme
• Friday afternoon off

Examinations and paper structure:

The ACA qualification has 15 modules over three levels. 
1. The Certificate Level
2. The Professional Level
3. The Advanced Level

1. Certificate Level
The Certificate Level is the first level of the ACA examination structure. There are a total of 6 examinations at this stage which introduce the fundamentals of accountancy, finance and business and are examined through computer – based assessments.

Certificate Level Modules
• Accounting (ACC)
• Assurance (ASS)
• Business and Finance (B&F)
• Law (LAW)
• Management Information (MI)
• Principles of Taxation (PoT)

2. Professional Level 
The Professional Stage consists of 6 examinations which build on the fundamentals and test students’ understanding and ability to use technical knowledge based on real-life scenarios. The Professional Level modules are examined through computer-basedassessments.

Professional Level Modules
• Audit and Assurance (AA)
• Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR)
• Financial Management (FM)
• Tax Compliance (TC)
• Business Planning: Taxation (BPT) or Banking (BPB) or Insurance (BPI)          
• Business Strategy (BS)

3. Advanced Level
The Advanced Stage, is the final level of the ACA examination and consists of 3 examinations. The Advanced Level modules are examined through computer-based assessments.

The Corporate Reporting and Strategic Business Management modules test students’ understanding and strategic decision making at a senior level. They present real-life scenarios, with increased complexity and wider implications from the Professional Level modules.

In order to be able to take the Advanced Case Study paper, ACA Trainees must be in their last year of their training contract. The Case Study presents a complex business issue which challenges students’ ability to problem solve, identify the ethical implications and provide an effective solution.

Advanced Level Modules

• Corporate Reporting (CR)
• Strategic Business Management (SBM)
• Case Study (CS)

Credit for prior learning (Exemptions):

Trainees are eligible to apply for eight exemptions (“Credit for prior learning”) from the ACA examinations. In some specific cases, trainees are eligible to apply for twelve exemptions. More specifically, Credits are available at the Certificate and Professional Level, but not at the Advanced Level.

For more information regarding “Credit for prior learning”, please visit the ICAEW website, where you can find out how many exemptions you can obtain based on your university degree.

Method of courses in K. Treppides & Co Ltd:

ACA Trainees attend Block Release courses on a full-time basis for certain periods of time during their training. Trainees are away from the office on study leave while attending their courses and return in the office after sitting their examinations.

Essentials for ACA Membership:

In order to become an ACA Member the following key elements must be completed:

1. 15 examinations

2. 450 days of Practical Work Experience 

Practical Work Experience are the chargeable days of the trainee. This excludes exam days, study leave, holidays, courses, sick leave and office administration.

3. Initial Professional Development (IPD):

K. Treppides & Co Ltd has an accredited IPD scheme which develops ACA Trainees in 7 key ladders as per the guidelines of the ICAEW:
I. Communication
II. Team Working
III. Decision Making
IV. Consideration
V. Adding Value
VI. Problem Solving
VII. Technical Competence

4. Ethics and Professional Scepticism 

This includes a web-based programme made up of 6 modules, 5 webinars and 1 assessment that help trainees to develop their professional ethics.

Contact details

For any clarification, feel free to contact the Human Resources Department at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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